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5 Tips To An Affordable Kitchen Remodel

What will it cost to remodel your kitchen? Perhaps less than you think. We’ve watched the endless home remodel shows, the kitchen makeovers, the chefs in their fancy “home” kitchens, and we’re totally inspired. But they convey a message that one must be ready to fork over a Brink’s truck full of black truffles to pay for a nice kitchen. Truth be told, there is a kitchen makeover for almost every budget.

Now, if you just won the lottery and you simply must have a $41,000 Meneghini Arredamenti refrigerator, we’ll be happy to design your dream kitchen to go with it. For the rest of us, there are some smart ways to get an updated kitchen, often for less than $20,000. According to Home Advisor, the average kitchen remodel costs $19,779, with most kitchens ranging in price from $11,069 to $28,505 (as of September, 2015).

Here are five tips to help you get the most out of your budget and your kitchen:

1. Think about the ultimate reasons you are going to remodel.

If you are planning on being in your home less than 5 years, design it to enhance the resale value of your home. Your decisions should be based on what will sell to the majority of buyers. On the other hand, if you are planning on being in your home more than 5 years, personalize your kitchen to fit your family needs. Invest in the best quality cabinetry and countertops possible, because you’ll get what you pay for over time. Cheap cabinets can look nice at first, but five years later you may find yourself needing to replace them. Quality lasts.

2. Talk to an experienced kitchen designer.

We can’t say this often enough. A good designer can save you thousands of dollars in mistakes, and hours of frustration and headaches. Because they are professionals, they can guide you through the process and show you options and trends that you might not even have thought about.

3. Cabinets represent the foundation of your kitchen.

As a general rule they will account for about 30% of the remodel cost. While it may be tempting to cut corners and go for inexpensive imports, it’s smarter to invest in good quality cabinets that will hold up for many years. Speaking of longevity, it’s smart to purchase from a manufacturer that is time-tested. Ask how long they have been in business and where the products are manufactured. In the rare event that something get damaged after installation, you want to know the manufacturer can quickly replace it.

4. Countertops are generally about 10% of the budget.

It’s smart to invest in quality because they are not something you can easily change out. But there are many excellent choices that cost less than the proverbial granite. Today’s solid surface materials and laminates are durable and high in quality. With a wide range of colors, patterns and textures, you have an opportunity to be more creative as well.

5. Budget a minimum of 10% for unplanned issues.

You may not be able to see that leak behind your dishwasher until you have your kitchen torn out, but if you have set the emergency funds aside you’ll be far less stressed and you won’t have to sacrifice something else to pay for the repairs.

There you have it. Before you know it, you’ll be celebrating in your new kitchen. Next step, talk to a Marsh Furniture dealer and get a plan for your new kitchen without resorting to a ramen noodle diet for the next two years.

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